Support the Roger Rees Awards in Honoring Excellence in High School Performance
Apprentice | $100 | Listing on official website |
Ensemble | $250 | Listing, logo on official website |
Understudy | $500 | Listing, logo on official website, 2 tickets to the awards |
Actor | $1,000 | Listing, logo on official website, 4 tickets to event, onsite signage |
Star | $2,500 | Listing, logo on official website, 8 tickets to event, onsite signage, ad in the program |
Legend | $5,000 | Listing, logo and photo on official website, 12 tickets to event, onsite signage, ad in the program and on-stage mention |
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Other ways to support the Broadway Education Alliance
Purchase theater tickets through, the only place to buy single, premium and group tickets to Broadway and Off Broadway shows where 5% of the purchase price is donated to the BroadwayEducation Alliance!![]() |
Shop for books, music and everything else you want to purchase and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Broadway Education Alliance Inc.![]() |